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Facts and advice about your growing body, health and relationships


Welcome to Yashlyk platform! Here you will find facts, tests and advice about your growing body, health and relationships.  The platforms has articles for boys and girls, young men and women about puberty, emotional health, gender equality, sexual and reproductive health.

Welcome to Yashlyk platform! Here you will find facts, tests and advice about your growing body, health and relationships.  The platforms has articles for boys and girls, young men and women about puberty, emotional health, gender equality, sexual and reproductive health. 

We also have a separate page for parents and plenty of resources for teachers of Basics of Life Skills who teach reproductive health and gender equality issues at secondary schools of Turkmenistan. All of our articles are based on facts and cleared by a medical professional. 

You will see that our platform is organized into three rubrics: My Body, My Relationships and My Skills.  The rubrics are then broken down into more than a dozen different topics for you to choose and explore.

Don’t forget to share with your friends!  Stay healthy. Stay informed.

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Täze Makalalar