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UNFPA and partners kicked off a campaign #DiverseButEqual (#DurliEmmaDen) to promote the culture of tolerance, dignity, respect and human rights. 

International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated on 3 December each year, in accordance with a resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 14 October 1992. Celebration of this day will help for better understanding the challenges people with disabilities face in life and find ways to implement their rights.

Globally, 90% of persons with disabilities have satisfactory or above satisfactory work performance. They can contribute to increased profits, employee motivation, productivity and reduced turnover rates.

Inclusive societies ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources, such as employment, education and healthcare; and allow each individual to fully participate in economic, social and cultural life. By doing so, they untap their true potential and thrive.

The future is inclusive.


Biziň her birimiziň ýaşamaga, şahsy durmuşyň goraglylygyna, gaçybatalga, işlemäge, bilim almaga, jemgyýetçilik hyzmatlaryndan peýdalanmaga, öz bedeni we saglygy barada erkin karara gelmäge, nikalaşmaga we razylykda maşgala gurmaga, pikir, din, garaýyş erkanalygyna we ýene ençemesine bolan hukuklarymyz bar.

Durmuşda näme edip ýa etmeýänligimize garamazdan bu hukuklar elimizden alnyp bilinmez. Biz dünýä inenimizden ömrümiziň ahyryna çenli olardan lezzet alýarys.

Her ýylyň 10-njy Dekabrynda Halkara Adam Hukuklaryň Güni bellenýär, bu ýylda bellenýän günüň slogany hem "Hemmämiz Adam, Hemmämiz Deň". Geliň bu baradaky bilimimizi töweregimizdäki adamlar bilen paýlaşalyň we elmydama dürliligimize garamazdan biziň ählimiziň deňhukuklygymyzy ýatlap duralyň.


Each of us have the right to life, privacy, asylum, work, education, social services, to decide freely about one's own body and health, right to consent marriage and having family, freedom of thought, religion, opinion, expression, and so on.

No matter what we do or don’t do in our life, these rights can’t be taken away from us. We enjoy them forever, from birth to death.

UNFPA and partners kicked off a campaign #DiverseButEqual (#DurliEmmaDen) to promote the culture of tolerance, dignity, respect and human rights. Let's share our knowledge and always remember that despite being diverse, we are still equal.


Youth Dialogue on Rights, Equality and Inclusiveness “Empowered and Engaged in an Equal Society” - International Human Rights Day


#DiverseButEqual #DürliEmmaDeň #DurliEmmaDen #РазныеРавные #LetsBeRespectfu #ukinturkmenistan #ukinkyrgyzstan #CISPop


Youth Dialogue on Rights, Equality and Inclusiveness “Empowered and Engaged in an Inclusive Society” - International Day for People with Disabilities


#DiverseButEqual #DürliEmmaDeň #DurliEmmaDen #РазныеРавные #LetsBeRespectfu #ukinturkmenistan #ukinkyrgyzstan #CISPop


Youth Dialogue on Rights, Equality and Inclusiveness: Official Launch of the Campaing "We are diverse. We are equal" and 16 Days of Activism


#DiverseButEqual #DürliEmmaDeň #DurliEmmaDen #РазныеРавные #LetsBeRespectfu #ukinturkmenistan #ukinkyrgyzstan #CISPop


Gender zorlugy – zenanlara fiziki, jynsy ýa-da psihologiki zyýany ýetirýän ýa-da ýetirip biljek jynsy esasda amala aşyrylan islendik zorluk bolup, köpçülikde ýa-da şahsy durmuşdaky zorlugyň töwekgelçiligi, esassyz erkinlikden mahrum etmek ýa-da mejbur etmek hem muňa degişlidir. (Birleşen Milletler Guramasy, Zenanlara garşy zorlugy ýok etmek baradaky Jarnamasy, BMG, Nýu-Ýork, 1993 ý.)

Bu wideodaky Selbi ýaly müňlerçe zenanlar, ýagny bütin dünýäde azyndan her 3 zenanyň 1-i şeýle fiziki we jynsy zorluklara sezewar bolýar, ESASAN hem adamsynyň ýa-da söýgülisiň elinden şeýle sütemleri çekmeli bolýar. Şeýle şikesli tejribeler ony başyndan geçirýän zenanyň diňe bir özüne däl, eýsem bütin jemgyýete täsirini ýetirýär.

Biz bilelikde sagdyn we güýçli jemgyýeti gurýan kadalary öňe sürmek arkaly Selbi ýaly müňlerçe zenanlara, şeýle hem maşgalalara kömek edip bileris.

Dymmagymyzy bes edip, sarpany, mertebäni we deňligi öňe sürmekden başlap bileris. Ählimiz hak-hukuklarymyzy bilip, olar hakda gürläp, herekete geçirsek, hemmetaraplaýyn bähbitli boljak adalatly we gülläp ösýän dünýä gurup bileris.


UNFPA and partners kicked off a campaign #DiverseButEqual (#DurliEmmaDen) to promote the culture of tolerance, dignity, respect and human rights. 

Many women like Selbi in this video experience different forms of violence. Across the world, at least 1 in 3 women will experience physical and sexual violence, mainly at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends. Such traumatic experience affect not only women herself, but the entire society, as well as her children and next generations ahead.

Together we can help Selbi and thousands of women and families by promoting the norms that will build a healthier and stronger society. We can start with speaking up about respect, equality and dignity. As long as we all know our rights, speak up and take action, we will be able to build a more just and prosperous world that benefits all of us.



UNFPA we hyzmatdaşlar jemgyýetimizde we sosial ulgamlarda çydamlylygy, mertebäni, sylagy we deňligi öňe sürmek maksady bilen “Diz dürli. Biz deň” atly sanly ulgam kampaniýasyny başlady.

Öňümizdäki birnäçe aýyň dowamynda #DürliEmmaDeň heştegi bilen bellenen Ýaşlaryň arasyndaky söhbetdeşliklere, kampaniýa baradaky postlara, dürli adamlaryň durmuşyndan alnan hekaýalara we söhbetdeşliklere, şeýle hem sosial wideolara tomaşa edip bilersiňiz.

Geliň hukuklary, deňligi we inklýuziýany öňe süreliň!


UNFPA and partners launched the “We are diverse. We are equal” digital campaign to promote tolerance, dignity, respect and equality in our society and in social media.

Stay tuned to our #DürliEmmaDeň campaign posts, human stories and social animations during the next few months.

Let’s talk about rights, equality and inclusiveness!
