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National Consultations for development of the new UNFPA Country Programme for the next program cycle 2021-2025

National Consultations for development of the new UNFPA Country Programme for the next program cycle 2021-2025


National Consultations for development of the new UNFPA Country Programme for the next program cycle 2021-2025

calendar_today 07 September 2019

National Consultations for development of the new UNFPA Country Programme

for the next program cycle 2021-2025



Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, - From September 4-6, 2019 UNFPA in collaboration with public organization “Yenme”, Women Union of Turkmenistan, Postgraduate education department of the National Institute of Education and Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Makhtumkuli conducted national consultations in Ashgabat and Dashoguz. National consultation process is highly important for acquiring quality inputs and evidence for development of the Country Program Development for the next program cycle 2021-2025, which will serve as a tool for Turkmenistan to implement SDG targets in relation to reproductive health education and rights. The consultation was designed to give women, men and youth an opportunity to voice their concerns. Participants were encouraged to be honest and open in their comments, both about what was working and where improvements could be made. Opinions, ideas, comments and suggestions put forward during consultations were comprehensively discussed by participants. Key objective of the consultations was to discuss vital challenges of the communities and record proposed approaches or solutions to those challenges.


Following consultations were conducted in Dashoguz:


  • Consultation with 12 women of fertile age 18-49

  • Consultation with 15 adolescent young girls (age: 14-18)

  • Consultation with 15 adolescent young boys (age: 14-18)

  • Consultation with 16 unemployed women (age: 18-45) who are engaged in unpaid housework or in entrepreneurship 

  • Consultation with 15 unemployed men (age: 18-45) who are engaged in unpaid work or in entrepreneurship 

  • Consultation with 16 men and women (age: 18-30) who are unemployed and don't have a profession yet 

  • Consultation with 10 school teachers that teach Basicsof-life-skills subject

Following consultation was conducted in Ashgabat:


  • Consultation with 12 women with disability of fertile age 19-49

During consultations, UNFPA representatives followed strict ethical standards. An important component of the consultation was the ability of participants to discuss their issues in a confidential manner and participants were guaranteed anonymity. During consultations, participants gave fascinating insights on what can be done differently by the medical staff, school teachers, community and others to make services accessible and effective. Voices of local people matter in light of the realization of their rights on the way towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals.






For more information, please contact:


Dr. Kemal Goshliyev, MSc

National Program Officer on Reproductive Health

Tel: (+99312) 488325

E-mail: goshliyev@unfpa.org

Website: turkmenistan.unfpa.org

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