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Representatives of law enforcement, health, and social sectors streamlined standards of coordinated response to support women experiencing violence

 Representatives of law enforcement, health, and social sectors streamlined standards of coordinated response to support women experiencing violence


Representatives of law enforcement, health, and social sectors streamlined standards of coordinated response to support women experiencing violence

calendar_today 16 February 2023

strengthening coordination mechanisms to support victims of violence
Representatives of government organizations discussing the coordinated response to support to women experiencing violence

Ashgabat, 16 February 2023 With the financial support of the UK Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, over 250 representatives of the law enforcement, health and social sectors as well as public organizations participated in the training organized by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund in collaboration with the Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan to discuss updated Standard Operating Procedures for providing services and strengthening coordinated response to support women experiencing violence and gender inequality.

The organization of these trainings is in line with the National Action Plan on Gender Equality for 2021-2025 to respond to gender-based violence against women and girls and the Roadmap for the implementation of the recommendations of the National Survey on the Health and Status of a Woman in the Family in Turkmenistan for 2022-2025. The trainings were held on 14-16 February 2023 covering all regions.

The main objective of the trainings was to discuss and update the Standard Operating Procedures which were developed based on the international standards to support women experiencing violence with the purpose to strengthen the multi-sectoral response within the law enforcement, health and social sectors.

Standard Operating Procedures aim to ensure the quality and application of international and national standards in providing the services, which put the needs of the woman in the center of the services, guarantee confidentiality of services, assist in the effective referral within and outside the law enforcement, medical and social spheres. During the trainings participants discussed specific cases and the need to provide complex services to support the women experiencing violence which cannot be done without creating a coordinated mechanism for prevention and multi-sectoral response to gender-based violence.

“The national policy of Turkmenistan on gender equality is based on the constitutional principles, national priorities and international obligations, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. The socially oriented policy of the President of Turkmenistan aiming to enhance the role of women in socio-political, economic and cultural life, protect the rights and legitimate interests, provide conditions for a decent life and creative work is the most important factor in the sustainable socio-economic development of the country.” highlighted Ms.Shemshat Atajanova, Head of the Department of Democracy and International Relations, Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan.

Civil Society Organizations shared their experience and provided information on the hotlines and services in supporting women experiencing violence. “Our organization offers psychological, legal and social counselling support, along with the helpline for assistance”, said Mr. Sabir Agabalaev, Head of “Keyik Okara”. Opportunities for collaboration were also discussed during the trainings.

Gender equality issues are reflected in all national programmes of Turkmenistan that are directed to further integration of women and girls into the socio-economic and cultural development of the country. Turkmenistan has joined major international commitments in the field of gender equality, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (in 1996), its Optional Protocol (in 2009), and the Sustainable Development Goals until 2030. The country completed and published the results of its first Health and Status of a Woman in the Family in Turkmenistan. Road Map following the recommendations of the survey was developed in November 2022.  

Read about Health and Status of a Woman in the Family in Turkmenistan


For more information, please contact:

Mehri Karakulova

UNFPA National Programme Analyst on Gender and Youth



Ogulgerek Annayeva

UNFPA Programme Analyst, Communications



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