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UN, Government are developing a draft State Program on Youth Policy for 2021-2025

UN, Government are developing a draft State Program on Youth Policy for 2021-2025


UN, Government are developing a draft State Program on Youth Policy for 2021-2025

calendar_today 13 November 2020

UN and Government of Turkmenistan have kicked a series of workshops to develop draft State Program on Youth Policy for 2021-2025 as part of the UN-Government partnership in the area of youth to implement the UN’s Youth-2030 strategy.

The members of the joint Working Group representing thirty-five national entities, NGOs and UN agencies met to study international experience in the development of youth policy during the first round of online meetings, facilitated by the UNFPA international expert Dr. Kateryna Shalayeva. The joint Working Group serves as an effective mechanism for the implementation of youth policy in Turkmenistan.

The participants reviewed the key elements of youth policy development, such as data, guiding principles, key concepts, main objectives, priority areas, clusters and drivers of youth policy implementation. The development cycle of youth policy and its correlation with other sectors was also learnt. The participants focused on interconnections of youth policy - youth work - youth research - youth participation - non-formal learning - educational mobility of youth - contacts between youth.

“When countries invest in health and education of young people and create conditions and opportunities for them to realize their full potential, they thereby contribute to social progress and economic development of the state. This is why youth development and participation in society are intersecting themes of the Global Sustainable Development Goals”, noted Mr. Chary Nurmuhammedov, UN Strategic Planning and Coordination Specialist of the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office.

Dr. Katerina Shalaeva shared successful experiences in the world and the region in the field of youth policy and will assist the Working Group in developing an effective, scientifically grounded Youth State Programme.

The second round of online workshops will be devoted to practical elements of youth policy implementation and will be held on November 25-27, 2020.

The event is organized jointly with the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan, as well as UN agencies, in particular UNFPA, UNDP and UNICEF, and is part of agreed Roadmap agreed between UN and Government in 2019.