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Women’s Union of Turkmenistan launches the women empowerment platform

Women’s Union of Turkmenistan launches the women empowerment platform


Women’s Union of Turkmenistan launches the women empowerment platform

calendar_today 12 October 2018

Women’s Union of Turkmenistan in close partnership with UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund launched the women empowerment platform focused on the model of successful women in the fields of entrepreneurship, culture, government work, social life, arts and others. The key objective of the platform is to empower young women and girls, inspiring them to personal growth and self-realization by exposing them to the life experience of successful women that are to serve as role models.

The guests of the first meeting were Jeren Gazakova, entrepreneur and Annatach Ulugberdiyeva, Deputy Director of international medical centers.  The meeting was facilitated by the UNFPA international consultant Aziza Umarova, where the role models shared with the audience of young women and girls their experience of how to be a successful woman, a leader, a mother and active community member.   

Questions from the lively audience followed the introductory inspiring stories of the guest speakers.   The audience asked to share the secrets of combining the roles of a successful manager and a mother, their life motto, how they chose their profession and life path, their approaches in managing people, what are their hobbies, their favorite book and sources of inspiration.     

“I am very active in doing sports,” said Ms. Gazakova.  “Biking is my favorite sport and I ride for 7 kilometers every evening. I strongly encourage everyone to do the same as it keeps you healthy, provide time to think about your day and generate new ideas for the next day, and be more effective in the job you do.”

“Take serious care of your health in general and reproductive health,” was Ms. Ulugberdiyeva’s specific message to young women and girls. “We have so many opportunities for our professional and personal growth that you really need to benefit from making better the lives of your family members and people around you. If you really want to achieve a success in your life and be an effective member of your community you can do that by studying well, working hard and continuously advancing your professional and life skills.”

“It was so encouraging and motivating to learn the shared experiences in such a warm and informative atmosphere,” said one of the young girls right after the meeting.  “The stories are truly inspiring.  I feel really proud of these two women and I am really energized and determined to be like them”.      

In Turkmenistan, UNFPA has been a strategic partner of the Government of Turkmenistan and public organizations in advancing the women’s rights, promoting gender equality and supporting Turkmenistan’s national human rights system in fulfilling its obligations under the international human rights treaties, including the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). 

“UNFPA will be next to Women’s Union of Turkmenistan in advancing gender equality principles in all spheres of life,” said Ms. Bayramgul Garabayeva, UNFPA Assistant Representative.  “The Women (empowerment?) Platform meetings were found by the Women’s Union as a very effective resource in promoting the positive image of a woman leader and entrepreneur, and challenging the associated stereotypes. It is an innovative action tackling women empowerment and cultivating a culture friendly to aspiration and personal growth. The action aims at promoting peer-to-peer learning and promoting women empowerment in the society.”

It is in the plans of the Women’s Union  to arrange similar meetings in organizations and communities throughout the country to ensure more young women and girls benefit and get inspired by the life experiences of successful women. 


For additional information, please contact:

Bayramgul Garabayeva, UNFPA Assistant Representative



Dovran Yamatov, UNFPA Programme Analyst on Population Trends and Gender Equality


Tel: 488325

Web: turkmenistan.unfpa.org, tm.one.un.org