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Skill-based online workshop equipped the youth specialists and young people with skills to engage meaningfully in the development of the State Programme on Youth Policy, and its realization. The workshop was led by the UNFPA international expert Mariana Turcan and organized jointly with Mejlis of Turkmenistan, with the support of UNDP and UNICEF.

Sixty-five youth specialists and young people from velayats, including youth with disabilities, as well as the representatives of the Mejlis and Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy discussed the youth policy of Turkmenistan, benefits of youth participation, youth research, non-formal education and brainstormed on possible co-management mechanisms in implementation of the youth policy on a velayats and national levels.  The youth-adult dialogue took place on the eve of the development of the new State Programme on Youth Policy of Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan is home to more than two million young people aged 10 to 29, which makes up nearly 40 percent of the country’s population.  The revised Law on State Youth Policy was adopted in 2013, followed by the approval of the State Programme on Youth Policy of Turkmenistan for 2015-2020.  ‘Creating favourable conditions for the full participation of young people in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of the state and society’ is one of the priorities of the State Programme.

“Youth participation is seen worldwide as a fundamental principle of youth policy,” said Mariana Turcan.  “The key idea of youth participation is to enable young people to have an impact on all issues that affect their lives. Young people can make an impact both through participation in decision-making together with adults, and through their own activities that have an impact on the surrounding life. Investing in youth and empowering young people are the main actions to encourage youth participation,” she stressed.