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Gender equality

Gender equality

Gender equality

Gender equality is intrinsically linked to sustainable development and is vital to the realization of human rights for all. The overall objective of gender equality is a society in which women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in all spheres of life.

Equality between men and women exists when both sexes are able to share equally in the distribution of power and influence; have equal opportunities for financial independence through work or through setting up businesses; enjoy equal access to education and the opportunity to develop personal ambitions, interests and talents; share household responsibilities and domestic chores and are completely free from coercion, intimidation and genderbased violence both at work and at home.

For almost three decades, UNFPA has been a strategic partner of the Government of Turkmenistan in advancing women’s empowerment and promoting gender equality. UNFPA’s response to promoting gender equality in Turkmenistan includes  supporting Turkmenistan’s national human rights system in fulfilling its obligations as part of the international human rights treaties and conventions it ratified, including CEDAW.

In line with the fifth Country Programme priorities, UNFPA will support the implementation of the National Action Plan on Gender Equality in areas where UNFPA can provide its expert support. 

UNFPA will also develop the capacity of policy makers and civil servants in gender-sensitive policies and gender mainstreaming and the capacity of national institutions and professionals on ways to address gender equality issues. 

The programme on gender equality will focus on work with the state bodies to establish comprehensive systems and mechanisms for women and adolescents to make informed choices and be protected from violence, and engaging men and boys in promoting positive social norms in the society.

Read the Policy Brief "Rights and Choices for All: Empowering women to live with dignity and freedom from fear." The Policy Brief provides an issue overview for gender equality, including gender-based violence globally and in Turkmenistan, explores trends in Turkmenistan, UNFPA's support, and new priorities and opportunities for partnership during 2021-2025.

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