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International Consultant to facilitate the Orientation Workshop “Building the Capacity of Psychologists of the Ministry of Defense on Mainstreaming Gender into Conscription Program”

International Consultant to facilitate the Orientation Workshop “Building the Capacity of Psychologists of the Ministry of Defense on Mainstreaming Gender into Conscription Program”

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan



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The UNFPA Country Office in Turkmenistan advertises the vacancy of an Individual International Consultant to facilitate the Orientation Workshop “Building the Capacity of Psychologists of the Ministry of Defense on Mainstreaming Gender into Conscription Program”.

The detailed description and requirements of the position can be found at the below links and in the attachment to this message.

For internal candidates: View the internal job posting

For external candidates: View the external job posting
We would like to take this opportunity to invite interested individuals with relevant professional experience and qualifications to apply online as indicated in the above links by the deadline of 02 October 2023 (09:00 EST).

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, diversity, integrity and healthy work-life balance. We are committed to ensuring gender parity in the organization and therefore encourage women to apply. Persons with disabilities, and individuals of other underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities in terms of appointment, training, compensation and selection for all regardless of personal characteristics and dimensions of diversity.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted in advance to the next stage of the selection process.

International Consultant to facilitate the Orientation Workshop:
“Building the Capacity of Psychologists of the Ministry of Defense on Mainstreaming Gender into Conscription Program”
TERMS OF REFERENCE (to be completed by Hiring Office)
Hiring Office:
UNFPA Turkmenistan CO
International Consultant to facilitate the Orientation Workshop: “Building the Capacity of Psychologists of the Ministry of Defense on Mainstreaming Gender into Conscription Program”
Purpose of consultancy:
UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential   is fulfilled. UNFPA’s new strategic plan (2018-2021), focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. UNFPA Turkmenistan supports the government in achieving the respective SDGs and in the implementation of the joint programme of cooperation for 2021-2025, in which the youth development agenda is a cross-cutting programme area, requiring scaling up.
In 2023 the UNFPA Country Office in Turkmenistan successfully applied to UNFPA Strategic Investment Facility and was granted a small-scale funding for the development of an ideation programme on “Advancing the role of young men for gender justice in Turkmenistan” which will be implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense in Turkmenistan. The intervention focuses on introducing youth-friendly and gender-sensitive approaches to the 2-year military service, targeting both the teachers/students of military institute and psychologists working with young conscripts, as well as young men before and after the military conscription. The military service is an important environment for the education and socialization of young men, while at the same time constituting a challenging transition phase for many. Consequently, the intervention seeks to promote intergenerational dialogue, strengthen young men’s well-being and life skills during the military, empower young men to make informed choices about their future post-military, and, importantly, catalyze their potential to advance gender justice – in other words to combat harmful gender practices and gender-based violence (GBV), and to promote reproductive health and rights (RHR) and more equal gender relations.
In doing so, the intervention seeks to mainstream gender considerations (and potetially other life skills) into military-related policies and programmes, and enhance the military sector’s awareness and response to the different security experiences, needs and roles of men, women, girls and boys. This goal is supported by Turkmenistan’s National Action Plan on Gender Equality (2021–2025), which prioritizes strengthening the legal framework and institutional arrangements for gender equality, gender-responsive healthcare, and countering gender-based violence against women and girls. The plan also addresses the development of a counseling system for young people on family planning, reproductive health, and healthy lifestyle skills. Furthermore, Turkmenistan's National Plan for the Development of Social Services (2023–2030) aims to enhance the social service system to better serve vulnerable groups, including addressing issues related to gender-based violence and reproductive health and rights. Current social services in Turkmenistan prioritize interventions with women and girls, giving less attention to the role of men and boys. This intervention seeks to strengthen overall efforts to promote gender justice and positive masculinity through the engagement of young men.
In addition, the initiative contributes to the Youth, Peace and Security agenda, a priority thematic area for the government and the UN. The Government of Turkmenistan has demonstrated a strong interest in the development and empowerment of its youth, which constitutes approximately 40% of the population, as evidenced by the recent State Youth Policy (2021–2025) and the President's commitment to investing in young people and recognizing their potential for positive change. Most recently, Turkmenistan’s commitment to promoting young people’s agency and participation is demonstrated in the Strategy for International Cooperation of Turkmen Youth, approved in 2023.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is collaborating with the Ministry of Defense to develop a comprehensive programme aimed at integrating gender considerations within the military. This initiative focuses on empowering young military personnel with essential skills and knowledge, facilitating their successful transition from military to civilian life, and addressing various aspects of their psychological well-being. The programme places emphasis on promoting gender equality, family planning, sexual and reproductive health, and preventing gender- based violence. Additionally, it aims to equip young military personnel with 21st- century and employment skills.

The military plays a pivotal role in shaping young men into responsible adult citizens. In many countries, including Turkmenistan, a significant percentage of young men undergo conscription, estimated at approximately 90%. Recognizing the unique position of the military in shaping the lives of young men, UNFPA seeks to establish a partnership with the Ministry of Defense to advance the role of young men in fostering positive masculinity attitudes, promoting gender equality, and equipping them with holistic life skills. This partnership particularly emphasizes the domains of social, gender, and psychological training that will help young men cope with life challenges and become full-fledged, responsible citizens.

Against this background, and as part of the capacity building for the initiative, UNFPA will organise a workshop targeting the military institution that educates young military officers, as well as military psychologists working with young military conscripts. Military psychologists play a crucial role in supporting young conscripts’ learning, development and well-being, and are key partners in the mainstreaming of positive gender attitudes in young men, across the military service.

The workshop will take place in November 2023 in Ashgabat, with the following objectives:
  • Clarify the concept of gender mainstreaming in the context of the military/conscription service (the process of assessing the impact of military policies and programmes on women, men, boys and girls, including identifying the different insecurities faced by men, women, girls and boys), which is separate from the notion of gender participation or gender balance in the military
  • Discuss how the military/conscription service can provide a platform for promoting gender justice and RHR, and what capacity building opportunities and needs exist for the military institute, psychologists working with conscripts on advancing the role of young men for gender equality
  • Discuss and analyze young men’s needs and priorities in view of the military service, to understand how the military service could respond to their psychological health needs, offer opportunities for strengthening their life and employment skills
  • Introduce best practices and examples from other context that can serve as a model for piloting approaches that are youth-friendly and gender-sensitive, and focus on gender equality, psychological health and well-being of conscripts, employment and life skills during military conscription
For the purpose of this orientation workshop, there is a possibility of teaming up two experts to carry out this workshop (which is the subject to selection process and other technical considerations).
The International Consultant/s will work in a collaborative manner with the UNFPA Country Office’s programme and operations staff, a dedicated UNFPA national consultant, main stakeholders, and the UN agencies.
Scope of work:
(Description of services, activities, or outputs)
The International Consultant/s will carry out the following assignments and produce the respective outputs:
  • Formulating, jointly with the national consultant, the Agenda for a three- day workshop, focused on enhancing the capacity of military psychologists to integrate gender considerations into their work, with a focus on gender equality, family planning, sexual and reproductive health, and the prevention of gender-based violence, and 21st-century skills development, in line with the principles of the UN joint programmes and UNFPA Policies and Procedures; (2 days)
  • In case 2 experts are selected, developing a plan of the workshop with the respective division of labour between 2 consultants (1 day).
  • Establishing and nurturing strong network and positive communication with stakeholders, partners, including government and UN agencies;
  • Developing the detailed programme of the workshop, methodological guidance and workshop content (presentations, audio visual products, case studies, interactive materials) for organizing and implementing the workshop with the materials provided at least 10 days in advance for translation if needed (7 days);
  • Providing desk review of existing research on the topic, as well as consultation and advice on programme interventions and contributing to and promoting further potential expansion of the programme initiative on a bilateral and multilateral basis (3 days).
  • Designing the report on the key takeaways of the workshop, recommended programmatic activities, finalized package of the workshop materials (including methodological manual for training) (4 days)
In-country mission (preliminary November 2023) for one week for facilitation of the Orientation Workshop on Capacity Building for Psychologists of the Ministry of Defense on Advancing Gender Mainstreaming (3 days, preliminary date: 15-17 November 2023). The mission should be planned at least 1,5 months advance to submit all requested meetings/detailed mission plan with the government for approval.
The total number of days - 20 working days.
Expected Outcomes and Deliverables:
The IC is expected to deliver all services and outputs to the UNFPA Country Office in Turkmenistan via online mode and in-country mission. At the same time, the consultant will be expected to achieve the following overall deliverables:
Deliverable 1: Preparation of a desk review of key references and source materials related to gender mainstreaming in the military/conscription service, the Agenda and Guidance Notes, workshop content as detailed above, pre and post workshop evaluation tools for workshop sessions, by 10 November.
Deliverable 2: Facilitation of the Orientation Workshop with approximately 30-40 military psychologists from different regions of Turkmenistan, including two military institutes, (preliminary date: 15-17 November 2023).
Deliverable 3: Summary report of key takeaways of the workshop including recommended programmatic activities, finalized package of the workshop materials (including methodological manual for training) by the end of November 2023.
Deliverable 4: Final Consultancy Report to UNFPA the end of November 2023.
The workshop shall include a combination of expert presentations, interactive sessions, group discussions, and practical exercises. Topics covered will encompass gender mainstreaming, family planning, sexual and reproductive health, gender- based violence prevention, and 21st-century skills development. Please note that the focus of the workshop is on gender mainstreaming, and not on gender participation in the military/security sector. The emphasis should therefore be on supporting the military institution in promoting gender equality and positive gender attitudes and empowering young men/conscripts to advance gender justice, particularly emphasizing a youth-friendly and human rights-based approach.
Duration and working schedule:
Duration of this consultancy is from 1 November to 10 December 2023 including operational closure of the contract.
Place where services are to be
The consultancy services will need to be delivered on an online based mode with
one in country mission.
Delivery dates and how work
will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):
Dates for deliverables are provided under the section Scope of work. All deliverables will be provided in an electronic format.
Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:
UNFPA Head of Office with the Gender NPA will monitor the International Consultant’s work through reviewing submitted materials and participation in the meetings.
Supervisory arrangements:
The International Consultant will directly report and work under overall guidance of the from the UNFPA Head of Office in technical consultation with Gender and Youth, and PD Analysts and SRHR Specialist.
Expected travel:
One mission to Turkmenistan is expected under this consultancy. Travel costs will be covered according to the UNFPA’s Duty Travel Policy.
Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:
  • At least Master Degree in Social Sciences, Gender/youth Studies, Law, State Service or equivalent;
  • At least 7 years of experience in international policies and practices in the area of gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the law enforcement and security sectors, youth development, empowerment and participation and working in the intersection of youth and gender equality and women empowerment issues;
  • Strong knowledge of the work and approaches in gender, human rights and youth related programming used by UN agencies, including Youth, Peace and Security programming and normative framework;
  • Knowledge of UN Turkmenistan operational environment would be an asset;
  • Excellent English speaking and writing skills required. Russian language is an asset;
  • Excellent facilitation skills and development of methodological guidance.
Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:
UNFPA will provide the consultant with the available materials, data, information and reports. However, additional information will be identified by the consultant through desk reviews, consultations, other.
Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:
The consultancy fee will be calculated based on the P4 level of the UN Salary Scale for Professional and higher categories, effective 1 January 2023 and will be paid in a lump sum upon quality provision of the deliverables.
COA: 71305, FPA95, 54700, TKM05YTH, CBPO, PU0074