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Promoting a healthy lifestyle and gender equality: Young cyclists awarded in Ashgabat

Promoting a healthy lifestyle and gender equality: Young cyclists awarded in Ashgabat


Promoting a healthy lifestyle and gender equality: Young cyclists awarded in Ashgabat

calendar_today 29 May 2024

Group photo of the participants
© UNFPA Turkmenistan | Muhammet Kadyrov | 2024

May 29, 2024, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – Today, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Turkmenistan jointly with the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sport of Turkmenistan, held an award ceremony for the participants of the bike ride, which took place from May 27 to 29.

Over 40 young people participated in the bike ride dedicated to World Bicycle Day. With great enthusiasm, young cyclists covered the distance, showcasing Turkmenistan's dedication to fostering a healthy lifestyle, sports, and gender equality among its youth. This event once again demonstrates that Turkmenistan, by breaking down traditional gender barriers, is paving the way to a more inclusive society where every young man and woman has the opportunity to play sports, follow their passions, and excel in their chosen field.

The awarding ceremony, organized by the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports and the UNFPA Office, became a significant occasion to celebrate the sports spirit and achievements of young people.

"Biking is not only healthy but it’s also ecofriendly and can promote women in sports," asserted Kemal Goshliev, Head of the UNFPA Office in Turkmenistan. "In today's world, questions of equality between men and women are becoming increasingly pertinent. In this regard, the Government of Turkmenistan is making significant strides, striving to create equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of gender. The sports industry is not immune to this process. Turkmen female athletes are showcasing exceptional results on the world stage, bringing home gold and silver medals for their country. These achievements stand as a testament to how hard work and dedication to sport empower women to attain remarkable heights. Such victories not only elevate the prestige of Turkmenistan's sporting arena but also serve as a powerful symbol of gender equality. They unequivocally demonstrate that women are capable of achieving success and competitiveness in any sphere of life, including sports."

In addition to the awards ceremony, the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, in collaboration with UNFPA, organized a quiz and discussions on gender equality, equal opportunities, and the role of youth in national development for the cycling race participants.

Marking notable progress in dismantling gender disparities in sports, women's teams and athletes are gaining increasing recognition and societal support. Today's event exemplified Turkmenistan's dedication to fostering gender equality values and making every effort to establish an environment where young men and women can fully realize their potential both in sports and other spheres.


UNFPA is an international agency dedicated to population and development issues. We work in over 190 countries and territories, empowering individuals to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Our work focuses on reproductive health and rights, gender equality, youth, and population dynamics.



The State Committee for Physical Culture and Sport of Turkmenistan is a governmental body responsible for implementing the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, to attract people to mass physical culture and sports, and to prepare skillful athletes of the international level.
